Friday, May 4, 2007

Lou Dobbs and Christopher Hitchens

I've never watched Lou Dobbs before, but after seeing this clip, I'll just have to give him a try. This almost redeems CNN of the Paula Zahn debacle, in my eyes.


vjack said...

Just don't get Dobbs going about immigration. I thought Hitchens came off much better in this interview than he did on the Daily Show. I hadn't seen this interview, so thanks for posting it.

Reason's Whore said...

This was a great interview. I missed it at the time. I had heard Lou Dobbs plugged the book but I was surprised - I would not have figured him for an atheist or sympathizer.

Dobbs' big issue for the last couple of years has been immigration. He really hammers on it. although I think he goes overboard sometimes, I agree with him in principle.

Anonymous said...

I see that KCTV 5 was youyr local station. Are you still local?

David W. said...

I see that KCTV 5 was youyr local station. Are you still local?

Only for the next two weeks! We're in the process of moving out of the KC area to southwest Virginia. VA has a slightly smaller atheist population, according to the ARIS poll (in 2001 I think) but overall it's going to be a good move. No more Kansas lets-redefine-science-so-we-can-teach-Intelligent-Design stupidity.

Anonymous said...

I live in south west, Va. and I am an atheist. Almost 30 and just coming out, I see how gay people feel. I was raised in a religious household, and always thought it was b.s. I tried to believe but, there were just too many inconsistencies,and a whole lot of preachers saying that you just have to have "faith". Well, I realized that I have faith in few truths. Men are inherently evil but most aspire to goodness. We all will die whenever and of whatever just happens to kill us...Sorry folks no divine hand at work. And lastly, I can try as hard as I want, to to be whatever I want. I may make it, I may not... and that is just how it goes. So send me good wishes or whatever atheists do to offer support to people, I'm going to need it as I stake my independance from this theistic soicety that we call home.

Terra said...

My boyfriend watches Dobbs on a pretty regular basis and I'll agree with what previous posters said. He really likes to talk immigration. I liked this interview because he strikes me as a man who is old fashioned, but not to the point of being completely close-minded. He may not agree with Hitchens, but he doesn't go whining about it. Just interviews him-which is his job.

I don't agree with Dobbs on everything, but I will say he always seems pretty intelligent and level headed about things. I think he's one of the few journalists left with any integrity.

muebles camobel said...

Wow, there is a lot of useful data above!